The Presence of God Through Awareness Meditation: A Catholic Approach

In today’s world, many people are exploring various forms of meditation to find peace and clarity in their lives. One common practice is awareness meditation, where the focus is on becoming attuned to your senses—listening to sounds, feeling bodily sensations, and being fully present in the moment. While this practice is often associated with Eastern traditions, it can be adapted in a way that aligns beautifully with Catholic spirituality, especially when inspired by the teachings of Brother Lawrence.

Finding God in the Present Moment

Catholicism has a rich tradition of seeing God’s presence in all aspects of life. This “sacramental vision” allows us to encounter God not just in church, but in the everyday experiences of our lives. Awareness meditation, when practiced with this intention, becomes a powerful way to deepen our relationship with God.

Instead of merely focusing on bodily sensations or external sounds, we can approach these moments as opportunities to connect with the Divine. For example, when you feel the warmth of the sun on your face, it can be a reminder of God’s love, which envelops and sustains us. The sound of the wind rustling through the trees can remind us of the Holy Spirit moving in our lives. This transforms a simple mindfulness exercise into a form of prayer, where each sensory experience draws us closer to God.

Brother Lawrence and the Presence of God

This approach is deeply inspired by Brother Lawrence, a 17th-century Carmelite lay brother who is best known for his practice of “the presence of God.” Brother Lawrence taught that we should strive to be constantly aware of God’s presence, even in the most mundane tasks. He believed that every moment of our lives could be offered to God, turning even the simplest actions into acts of love and devotion.

In the same way, awareness meditation can be practiced as a method of “practicing the presence of God.” By becoming aware of your body and surroundings, you’re not just engaging in a mindfulness practice—you’re actively seeking to recognize and honor God in each moment. Every breath, every sensation, becomes a prayer, a way to say, “Thank you, Lord, for being with me right now.”

Integrating Awareness Meditation with Catholic Prayer

To ensure that this practice remains fully aligned with Catholic spirituality, it’s important to consciously integrate it with traditional forms of prayer. You might begin your meditation with a simple prayer, asking God to help you become more aware of His presence. As you focus on your senses, silently offer each sensation to God. For instance, when you become aware of the rhythm of your breathing, you might say, “Lord, thank you for the breath of life.”

By doing this, you transform awareness meditation into a form of contemplative prayer, one that helps you live in a constant awareness of God’s love and presence. This practice doesn’t replace traditional prayers like the Rosary or Eucharistic Adoration; rather, it complements them by extending your awareness of God into every moment of your day.

Conclusion: A Path to Deeper Communion with God

Awareness meditation, when approached from a Catholic perspective, is not just about mindfulness—it’s about deepening our communion with God. By practicing awareness of our senses as a way of practicing the presence of God, we follow in the footsteps of Brother Lawrence, who found God in the humblest of tasks.

This practice can help us cultivate a sacramental vision, where we see God’s presence in every aspect of our lives. It’s a simple yet profound way to grow in holiness, turning every moment into an opportunity to connect with the Divine. As we become more aware of God’s presence in our lives, we can experience His peace and love in new and deeper ways, truly living out the call to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).