Morning Prayer Structure

Silent Prayer: Morning Offering (3-5 minutes)

Focus: Offer your day to God in silence. This is a personal prayer, so no fixed words are required.

Vocal Prayers: Traditional Prayers (5 minutes)

Our Father

Hail Mary

Glory Be

Fatima Prayer

Noon Prayer (Midday Break)

Time: 5-10 minutes

Silent Prayer: Brief Examination of Conscience (3 minutes) Focus: Pause in the middle of the day to reflect on how you have lived so far. Review your thoughts, words, and actions since the morning.

Take a few moments of silence to review and ask for forgiveness if necessary.

Vocal Prayer: The Angelus or Another Vocal Prayer (3-5 minutes)

The Angelus (Vocal Prayer):

If unable to say the Angelus, you can pray a simpler vocal prayer, like:

Evening Prayer Structure

Time: 10-20 minutes

Silent Prayer: Evening Examination of Conscience (5-10 minutes) Focus: In silence, reflect on the events of the day. Thank God for His blessings and acknowledge where you fell short.

Ask yourself:


Vocal Prayer: Act of Contrition and Thanksgiving (3-5 minutes) Focus: Conclude your examination of conscience with a vocal Act of Contrition and a prayer of thanksgiving.

Act of Contrition:

Thanksgiving Prayer: A simple vocal prayer thanking God for the blessings of the day.

Vocal Prayers: Traditional Prayers (5 minutes)

Our Father

Hail Mary

Glory Be

Fatima Prayer

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Silent Prayer: Entrusting the Night to God (1-2 minutes)

Focus: In silence, entrust yourself to God’s protection through the night.